The Importance of Date Nights

It would seem obvious that a blog post about the importance of date nights is not necessary except that I see many couples who don’t prioritize date nights. I’m always surprised when I ask how often they plan date nights I hear, “we know we should, we just haven’t.” They’re either too busy, can’t find sitters they trust, feel financially strapped, or are empty nesters who feel they spend enough time together. I can’t emphasize this enough—date nights aren’t optional. There are definite seasons in life in which date nights become harder—having a new baby you’re nursing being the first example that comes to mind. Date nights don’t have to occur at night. They can be Date Days. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. You can take a picnic to the park and then go for a walk if you’re worried about your budget. There’s something to be said about purposefully taking the opportunity to plan time together that makes connection easier. You’ll find that you can have an uninterrupted conversation like you did when you dated. Dressing up in going-out clothes gives you each an occasion to remember what attracted you to your mate to begin with. Take turns being the one to plan a date so that you’re each pursing the other. Don’t let your busy schedule dictate your date ability. Build your schedule around date nights. Remember, date nights aren’t optional. Do you want more couples tips? You can seek couples counseling at Mending Hearts Counseling, which provides northern Colorado counseling services for the Fort Collins, Greeley, Windsor, and Loveland areas. Contact Mending Hearts Counseling at 970-344-9572 or via this online link.